I'm now in the middle of the school holidays. Well, 'holidays' is not exactly the most appropriate word to describe this period of time, seeing as everyone is busy for their final year project. I promised myself that I'll settle whatever things I should settle during this weekend. But alas, the whole of yesterday was spent literally lying on the bed. And today as I gaze at the clock on the wall right in front of me I cannot help but think that Sunday is going to be just as unproductive as the day before it. 

This blog used to be full of entries I made a couple of years ago. But this morning when I removed all the cobwebs I seriously could not believe I was the person who wrote all of it. A year and a half is in fact a long enough time to change the way a person looks at the world--once an optimistic, almost innocent, outlook in life has been replaced by a realistic and a slightly more skeptical one. 

To be frank I don't really know why I deleted all those entries. Perhaps it's the same reason why some of us won't want others to see our baby photos. Or maybe I just did it on a whim. The fact that I did not even feel an angstrom of regret while doing it says a lot on the degree of sentimentality I have on those yesteryear posts. 

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